M.W. 2009



Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title

Plot Synopsis

16 years ago, a terrible incident occurred and all inhabitants on an island were swiped out. The truth to this episode was covered up overnight by the authorities. Everything was supposedly blown over by fully prepared concealment. However, there were two boys who happened to survive by a twist of fate...

One boy, Michio Yuki, became an incredibly beautiful and ingeniously evil person who plots revenge on the government. The other, Yutaro Garai, became a priest who pursues peace and justice. Evil and justice. Darkness and light. They shared the same past but became complete opposites of each other.

Yuki learns of "MW", the horrible chemical-weapon that had caused the massacre years ago, and finally obtains the dreaded weapon. With "MW", he sets out to move his plan of terminating all mankind with himself...


Michio Yuki

Yutaro Garai

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