Mercury Rev 公佈新大碟 <strong><em>The Light In You</em></strong>

Leslie Cheung 超過 9 年前
Mercury Rev 公佈他們繼2008年的 Snowflake Midnight 後首張新大碟 The Light In You 將於9月18日經由 Bella Union 推出。他們更將大碟開首曲 "The Queen Of Swans" 於上網公開。
樂隊靈魂人物 Grasshopper 指大碟的音樂是:
It's like taking a drug, but not actually taking a drug. Just sit back and enter and immerse yourself.
另一靈魂人物 Jonathan Donahue 指大碟名的意義是:
You can go as deep as you want with the title, on a metaphorical, spiritual level, or just poetic license. It's the beacon that shines and allows us to see ourselves - and then there's the music between Grasshopper and I, which is how we reflect each other. The arc of the album, lyrically, is someone who's gone through an incredible period of turbulence, sadness and uncertainty, and as the album progresses, a light appears on the water.
The Light In You 大碟曲目如下:
The Queen Of Swans
You've Gone With So Little For So Long
Central Park East
Emotional Freefall
Coming Up For Air
Autumn's In The Air
Are You Ready?
Moth Light
Rainy Day Record