性上癮:後篇 2013

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/ 10


Leslie Cheung 將近 11 年前


With the dramatic turn of events left off from Vol. 1, things go from bad to worse in Vol. 2. Violence intensifies as Joe’s life got more complicated. This volume gives her story more depth as Joe has to struggle between her relationships and her life, and she was forever scarred by her actions. She’s not an evil human being as she thinks she is; she just keeps making the wrong decisions.

Her sexual journey goes back and forth and Seligman continues to compare it with mathematics theories, arts and literatures. This, along with Seligman’s final conclusion or judgment on Joe’s story, makes us think that the director is making a point here that one should remain true to him- or herself.

Spoilers ahead!! Turn away from here if you don’t want to know the ending!

When she finishes her story, she finds herself fortune not to kill anyone even though being deeply hurt by the ones she loves. This leads into depressing outcome with Seligman’s and her action in the end, which is really a sad thing to witness. Maybe it is way too depressing, so the director has to get rid of the visuals for this ending.

Spoilers end here

Vol. 2 is more dramatic over Vol. 1 as it carries more physical and psychological violent scenes, which gives more sadness to the lady’s life. Jamie Bell here outshines his fellow cast with his perfect rendition of a sadist. Overall, this is another great piece of work by the director blending art with dramatic explicit scenes.


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/ 10


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