Watch/Listen New Grimes Song <strong>"Delete Forever"</strong>

Watch/Listen New Grimes Song <strong>"Delete Forever"</strong>

Leslie Cheung about 5 years ago

Grimes has released another new song, "Delete Forever", from the forthcoming album, Miss Anthropocene, out next week on February 21 via 4AD. The song is written and produced by Grimes, and is about "losing friends to the opioid crisis and the self-hatred that arises when the grieving process mimics the behaviours that cost your friends their lives."

Miss Anthropocene
[Vinyl version]
So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth [Algorithm Mix]
Darkseid - with 潘PAN
Delete Forever
Violence - with i_o
New Gods
My Name is Dark [Algorithm Mix]
You'll miss me when I'm not around
Before the fever
IDORU [Algorithm Mix]

Miss Anthropocene
[CD version]
So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth [Art Mix]
Darkseid - with 潘PAN
Delete Forever
Violence - with i_o
New Gods
My Name is Dark [Art Mix]
You'll miss me when I'm not around
Before the fever
IDORU [Art Mix]

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