Planet Terror 2007

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/ 10

Planet Terror

Leslie Cheung over 17 years ago

Death Proof review...

Upcoming attraction - Machete
The faux trailer by Robert Rodriguez, titled Machete, features Danny Trejo, who also played in Desperado and Spy Kids, in the leading actor role. Danny played an assassin from Mexico in this story about double-cross and revenge. You can tell the oh-so-familiar storyline even though the length of trailer is only about 3 minutes. Since the casting is not all pretty faces, and the characters are fresh, viewers are anxious to look for the movie "when it comes out". This leads the director to shoot the real Machete movie and we can expect it to come out directly to DVD soon.

Planet Terror
Robert Rodriguez has shown us how he can bring the art of violence to another level by using the CG technology and visual effects in Sin City. In Planet Terror, the director again made use of the visual effects to push the degree of cruelty, violence and gross stuff to yet another climax, even though it may not be okay for everyone. Rodriguez shot the bloody scene in so much detail, that it seems he fears that you might miss it. During one of the key scene, every male viewers would scream their lungs out. The zombies in 28 Days/Weeks Later are like babies compared to Planet Terror. Though some of the fighting scenes are not executed carefully, the overall storyline are better and more shocking than Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, especially the humour factor are well executed.

Both feature films have the negatives aged and added the colour loss effects, and there can be a loss of key storyline, to pretend to be a 70s or 80s movie. Moreover, both stories seem like disconnected, but the characters would appear in the other movie. You can see how detailed the two directors paid to this production. After all, Grindhouse is definitely an exciting piece of art in violence.

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