Bakuman 2015
Plot Synopsis
High school student Moritaka Mashiro (Ken Sato) is a gifted illustrator, but lacks ambition and spends his days drifting in mediocrity. One day, class genius and aspiring manga writer Akito Takagi (Ryunosuke Kamiki) asks Moritaka if he wants to team up as manga artists. Moritaka resists at first, but decides to go for it when the girl of his dreams, Miho Azuki (Nana Komatsu), promises to marry him if "they both realise their ambitions of becoming a manga artist and voice actor."
Moritaka and Akito work day and night to realise their goal of creating a manga series for Shonen Jump Weekly, but formidable rival Eiji Niizuma (Shota Sometani) keeps them in an uphill battle. With no shortage of up-and-coming rivals, will Moritaka and Akito's dreams ever be realised?!
Posters & Stills Gallery1 image
Kazuya Hiramaru
Akira Hattori