Queen 2014



Release Date

Hong Kong

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Hong Kong Title

Plot Synopsis

Rani is a 24-year-old girl born and brought up in a Punjabi conservative family, residing in Rajouri, New Delhi. Being the only girl in such a conservative family, she was always protected to such an extent that even if she had to go to the grocery store round the corner, her mother would ask her younger brother to accompany her to the shop.

When she was of the right age, her parents got her to meet Vijay (son of their close family friend) and soon after much coaxing and 'typical boy trying to impress girl process', Rani starts to like Vijay and in her mind has already accepted him as her Man. Engagement follows suite and the wedding planned 6 months post, as Vijay has to go to England to join his job as an engineer. So with dreams of her wedding and well planned honey moon, Rani and her family start the preparations for the wedding. As the dates reach closer, with all relatives and functions in flow and Vijay back in the country for the wedding, Vijay calls off the wedding citing a mismatch of interests and life style etc.

Rani is unable to come to terms with this. This is when she decides to go for her honey moon by herself. A girl who has never been out in Delhi unescorted by her younger brother, leaves for a foreign land to go for her honey moon all by herself.

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