Sunny 2011



Release Date

Hong Kong

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Hong Kong Title

Plot Synopsis

Na-mi, a transfer student from Beolgyo, Jeolla-do, becomes a laughingstock on her first day of school because of her strong southern dialect. Six girls jump in to help the new kid adapt to the new environment: Chun-hwa, a charismatic natural leader who values loyalty above everything; Jang-mi, a homely girl obsessed with double eyelids; Jin-hee, the cussword queen, Geum-ok, a bookworm who has a strength of a Wonder Woman; Bok-hee, an odd character whose life's goal is to become a Miss Korea, and Su-ji, the ice princess. Na-mi soon joins their group and becomes a hero when she defeats their rival group, Girls' Generation, by cussing them out in her Jeolla-do accent. The seven girls come to call their friendship group, Sunny, and promise to always be together. While they prepare for a school festival dance performance, something unexpected happens and they are forced to say tearful good-byes.

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