Protege 2007



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Plot Synopsis

Special agent Nick (Daniel Wu) is deep undercover in the heart of Asia's lucrative crime trade as he plays protege to one of the key players in the game, "Banker" (Andy Lau), in the eight years he has been infiltrating the underworld industry. Nick has amassed enough evidence to indict Banker, but has been ordered to remain undercover and expose the identity of the man behind Banker in order to bring down the entire organisation. However, as Nick becomes more trusted and embroiled with Banker's crime family, he finds himself corrupted by the easy money and his new found power. Unable to separate himself from his undercover persona, he immerses himself into his role as a crime figure. In the seedy underbelly of mob culture, where redemption comes at a price and the borders of justice, loyalties and truth are constantly changing. Nick grapples with dangerous choices and finds himself flirting with more than the devil.


Jane's Husband

Head of Customs Officers (as Liu Kai Chi)

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